A Reuptake Inhibitor is a compound that inhibits or restrains the reuptake of certain chemicals in the brain. There are many different types of reuptake inhibitors, each disabling reuptake of chemicals like serotonindopamine, and noradrenaline into the presynaptic cell. This means that certain chemicals remain in the synapses longer, allowing a treated individual to experience their sustained effects.

Reuptake inhibitors are used to treat all manner of emotional disturbances—anxietydepressionsocial anxiety and others. Certain reuptake inhibitors have proved beneficial in treating phobias and have even helped people to stop smoking.

Chemically-derived Reuptake Inhibitors are available only by prescription. SSRI‘s (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors),SNRI‘s (Serotonin-Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitor), and NARI’s (Noradrenaline Reuptake Inhibitors) are just a few of the different types of these reuptake inhibitors, each affecting the absorption of different chemicals in the brain. They are marketed under a variety of brand names—ProzacZoloft, andWellbutrin are a few examples.

Though these prescription drugs have brought many individuals relief, it should be noted that many of them are also accompanied by side effects (seizures, weight gain, sexual dysfunction and others), and many people try a variety of reuptake inhibitors before they find the one that’s right for them.

Along with chemical reuptake inhibitors, there are also Natural Reuptake Inhibitors, plant-derived compounds that have also been shown to promote a healthy neurotransmitter balance.

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